Spark United

Spark United Michaela Lawson With Ashira Yosefah Menorah Books / 172 pages Spark United is the heartfelt and personal presentation of a journey from fundamentalist Christian to orthodox Jew. The author tells it as it is, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Whether the topic is phony rabbis and batei din , or the evil schemes of fundamentalist Christian groups trying to penetrate into the Jewish community, there are “no holds barred” in this very moving diary type reader. From social ostracisation to phony batei din , and doubts whether the decision to convert is the right one, Spark United shares with use the Ruthian process that those who leave the fundamental Christian world are forced to face. Nevertheless, the book is distinct from most others of this genre as it is written by a Christian insider who became Jewish; it is not the story of a ba’al teshuva who became frum . Make no mistake, there are tremendous differences between the two, they are two very different jo...