It’s Okay to Laugh
Gitty Stolik
Mosaica / 242 Pages
It’s Okay to Laugh is a book that explores the importance of
humor and laughter in Judaism. Reading like an inspirational self-help guide (likely by an author with a positive dose of well-channeled hyperactivity) we
are treated to sources on joy, smiling, humor, and laughter from throughout the
corpus of Torah literature. There are
also excerpts from medical professionals and others on the importance of humor.
It is well spiced with real life stores and events where laughter can and
should be infused.
Some of the topics covered are how to use humor, the
benefits of humor, humor in the workplace, and humor in the classroom. There is
also material on when jokes are not appropriate, and an especially interesting
section on how our mind responds to various types of humor in various
situations. A number of modern day frum comedians and merrymakers make
an appearance in the book, as well.
The author successfully drives home her point that humor and
laughter is an intimate part of Jewish culture, and an essential part of a
Torah lifestyle. I can sure name a few sourpusses in positions of leadership and chinuch in the frum world who should read this book. No joke!
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