The Theory and Practice of Universal Ethics – the Noahide Laws
The Theory and Practice of Universal Ethics – the Noahide Laws Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen Insitute for Judaism and Civilization: NY and Melbourne, 2014 / 386 pp I was excited to have received a copy of this book. It is definitely required reading for philosophers and theologians of all types. Very, very thorough. Below is an excerpt from the book's promotional material. AE The Noahide laws – the seven laws in which all humanity must observe - have become a matter of wide importance both for Jews and their intended recipients, the non-Jewish world. Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen has performed an important dual task in his new book, The Theory and Practice of Universal Ethics – the Noahide Laws , the product of many years of research and writing. The first part, the “Theory of Universal Ethics”, undertakes the “marketing task” of universal ethics: how the Noahide laws can be presented to an intelligent, non-Jewish public from a variety of perspectives: theological, philosophical...