Reason To Believe
Rational Explanations of Orthodox Jewish Faith
By Rabbi Chaim Jachter
Menorah / 250 pages
While I generally only write on works of halacha, and furthermore, I generally run away from works of philosophy, I was very intrigued by Reason to Believe. That's because it's not too often that you find a "Rambam" - a master of halacha and also a master of philosophy. But Rabbi Jachter, a noted New Jersey halachic authority and author of numerous halachic works, has struck a grand slam with his recent book.
Although there are a number of books out there on defending Torah Judaism, Reason to Believe is very unique in that it presents arguments in support of Torah Judaism whose primary target audience is orthodox Jews! Some of the topics include Emuna, proof for the Divine origin of the Torah, lesser-known interpretations of Biblical stories (especially interesting in this category is a rationalist explanation of the ten plagues), comparing science with Torah, archaeology, and much much more. My absolute favorite section is that which deals with finding God in the creation and success of the State of Israel. Once more, it must be emphasized that these proofs for the existence of God and the authority of the Torah are geared towards "orthodox" Jews!
The book is written in a refreshingly contemporary style combined with Rabbi Jachter's typical personable manner making it not only readable and useful, but magnetic and fully comprehensible.
Very impressed!